I’m hosting some projects over at Google Code. As part of the project setup you can select a license from a drop-down list. Apparently, the list is limited to eight licenses. The EPL is not it this list.
The Google Help Center says:
We’d like to see projects standardize on the most popular, time-tested ones. The selected licenses offer diversity to meet most developer needs.
The question to add EPL to that list came up a couple of times. In one of the discussions Greg Stein said:
[…] the Eclipse Public License has not really been adopted by the wider open source community. It is mostly being used just by one smallish corner: projects based on or around Eclipse.
That sucks, eh? But it gets worse.
I tried to make a reply using the web interface in that thread to make a comment about the license drop-down. For some reason it did not go to the list but directly to Greg. His response shocked me a little bit.
We only allow those eight licenses. If we find projects that are not licensed as described by the dropdown, then we will remove them.
Ok, back to SourceForge I guess. 😐