Sorry guys, I just came across this posing. That’s just so funny. :mrgreen:. He is one of the guys that actually remember statistics. Honestly, which one of us developers really cares about the marketing guys and their reports and statistics (sorry Ian ;))? I think the following image speaks for itself.
Here’s a google trends graph showing something slightly different.
I envision a child with his hands on his ears crying out “LALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU LALALALALA!” 🙂
>Here’s a google trends graph showing something slightly different.
Sure it does, but there’s a typo in the URL that keeps any of the Eclipse numbers from showing up since the search is for “netbeans java, eclips e java”. Note the ‘eclips e’. Here’s the corrected link that shows Eclipse’s historical and continued domination:
Sorry, it’s not really a typo in the URL. It’s a stupid bug in WordPress.
You are now officially off my Christmas card list. 🙂
Links should work now. I fixed a few thing in my WordPress theme while updating to 2.0.4.