Monthly Archives: March 2007


Recently some guys discovered bug 20486 again. It’s about a QT port of SWT. The funny thing is that someone actually proposed to buy Trolltech to solve the licensing issue.

(comment #29)
> I like the idea. In 4+ years we could have raised the money already 🙂

Mhm, four years? I bet someone from the community could code the port in half of the time and put it on SourceForge.

On the other hand, you could just continue discussing it on this bug report. Maybe it gets implemented by itself, and anyway, it’s open source and it’s free, so it must be worthless. 😉

EclipseCon Sunday

Yes, it was the right decision to arrive on Saturday. This allows a much better adoption to the nice and warm California weather. 😉

So on Sunday I had breakfast with Donald and then met with Jochen Hiller for a dry run of our short tutorial. Later on, Simon Kaegi arrived and our round was complete. We went through our two sessions and reorganized the examples to make them available under on common address.

At around 5pm we finished and went to get our conference badges and then back to the Hyatt Bar to have a beer. Ward joined us and we had a very great conversation about programming, languages, testing and communication. We almost forgot the time and sit there till close to 7pm. Ian‘s blogger party was scheduled to start at 7pm.

As last year it was a great party. Lots of beer and stories. 😉
Thanks Ian for this great evening!

Unproductive Firewalls

I’m used to a 6 hours jet lag due to my somewhat regular visits in the Toronto office. However, for Santa Clare it’s a 9 hours time difference. Thus, I woke up on schedule at 4am. Actually, that’s not too bad because I’m an early bird anyway and 4am means 1pm in Germany which is quite late for me. 😉

Anyway, I wanted to due some work and commits but for some reason all my SSH connection attempts to were refused. 🙁

Update (5:40am PST)

Thanks to our great webmaster and the free Sunday morning support I’m now able to be productive again. 🙂