So I arrived at the Hyatt in Santa Clara after an eleven hours something flight from Frankfurt. The weather is good, a bit cloudy but much better than what we had in Germany. 🙂
It looks like the Hyatt also got a refreshment. I got a renovated room. Seems that flat screen is now becoming standard. So I’m kinda outdated at home now. 😉
Hi Gunnar,
seems like we sat in the same plane. I just arrived from Frankfurt as well. Lufthansa Boeing 747, LH 454?
Yupp. That was the plane. I sat with Jochen literally in the last row. We also saw a bunch of other familiar faces but it’s strange that we didn’t see you. You must have been very fast or traveling in an upper class? 😉
a colleague and me have also arrived in SF today and I’m actually writing this post from the Hyatt lobby. When are you guys up for breakfast?
I’m up now … 3 AM local time. 😐