Category Archives: EclipseCon

Conferences around Eclipse

Eclipse Forum Europe 08

I’ll catch a train to Wiesbaden soon. Unfortunately, I can’t stay for the whole conferences but just tomorrow for our Server-Side Eclipse talks. If you weren’t able to join them at EclipseCon now is your chance agan. 🙂

Anyway, I wonder if there is a general place for Eclipse people (committers, contributors, fans) to meet? Something like the EclipseCon table topic but not just at lunch?

Tutorials delivered

So we are done delivering our Server-Side Eclipse tutorial. It went pretty well. We got a few questions so guys were at least listening. 😉

I’m now sitting in one about secure OSGi applications. There will be exercises at the end so it sounds like a lot of fun. 🙂

Update: If you are looking for the code and slides of the Server-Side Eclipse tutorial they are all in the CVS of the SSE-Examples project on For your convenience here are some direct links.

Somthing to read

It’s that time of the year. I’ll leave my two girls tomorrow evening and travel to Frankfurt to catch an early plane on Saturday morning. BTW, it’s unbelievable how fast they grow up, she is already getting her first teeth.

Anyway, right in time I got a copy of a brand new book that I want to read. It’s perfect timing since we are planning to build a new distributed reporting platform designed on Server-Side Eclipse and a few other cool technologies. Did I mention that I’m delivering a two-part tutorial about developing Server-Side Eclipse based web applications together with Jochen? Well, now I did! 🙂

EclipseCon 2008 Submissions

So EclipseCon 2008 has a new submission system. I just have one question. Why?

Obviously it looks better and the usability seems better. I really appreciate that. But it lacks some really important features available in the old system. So while Bjorn asks about our opinions on more transparency in the speaker communication the new submission system is in my opinion a step back in transparency.

Just some question to underline my view:

  • How can I watch individual submissions?
  • Where is the CC field?
  • Where will the program committee votes be visible?
  • Where can the community vote?
  • What is behind those cryptic mailing list names?
  • Where is the change history for a submission?
  • What’s the secret about the EclipseCon Wiki that several requested access to?
  • Why does the EclipseCon Wiki block community access?
  • Where can I download the source code for the new submission system? What about bug tracking and development planning?
  • Why is it hosted outside the infrastructure?

There seem to be really good reasons for the new system. It probably has been developed by an external consultancy. However, do all these reasons really satisfy a development approach which looks closed source like to me?

I’m a bit disappointed now. This is something I didn’t expect. Maybe I’m just too curious and a lot of these items are already on an to-do list. But again, where is this to-do list?