After beeing five and a half year with my current employer I decided to leave for a new opportunity. I had an amazing time at Intershop and worked with many, many great people here. I’m very thankful that I got the opportunity to be part of this company.
I came accros a job posting that turned into a fantastic opportunity with a Canadian company. They also have a German subsidiary, which is only 20 minutes away from my home town. But I’ll start working in Toronto (which is really close to the Eclipse Foundation ;)) in March for a period of 6 months.
They want to enhance their product with rich client capabilities. Thus, one of my first tasks will be evaluating rich client technologies like AJAX, .NET Smart Client and Eclipse RCP in the context of their product. This will be really exciting.
Although my wife was not very excited about this she encouraged me making the final decision. Canada is a really interesting country. Although I have been told that I’ll miss most of the cold temperatures I can’t wait working there for a few months. I’ve heard a lot positive things from friends that already visited and also lived in Canada.
I think you will love Toronto. I lived there for 5 years and really enjoyed it. Of course it is not as nice as Ottawa but you can always visit. In fact, if you do come to Ottawa I’d be happy to take you out for lunch/dinner/beers etc.
I second the above recommendation. You should definitely come meet the Ottawa Eclipse crew. 🙂
Gunnar –
you should definitely come and visit.
Looked at the web page, and it looks like a interesting company.
All the best – and will you be at EclipseCon?
Gunnar, welcome to Canada! I hope that you enjoy our country and your new job. The Eclipse Foundation and Toronto are actually about a five hour drive away from each other…but maybe that is really close by Canadian standards 🙂
Toronto is great, but please don’t cheer for their hockey team!!! You should learn to love the Ottawa Senators – the official hockey team of Eclipse! (ok, that’s not true, but they’re the official hockey team of most of the Eclipse Foundation staff 🙂
– Don
Congratulations on the new opportunity! Your new employment sounds very challenging and exciting.
When you’re in Ottawa (I know you’ll come and visit, I just know it 🙂 stop by the Foundation, I’ll buy you lunch (for being the only one to watch webmaster’s bugzilla e-mail) and I’ll show you our server infrastructure if you’re interested.
Thanks all for your feedback. A visit to Ottawa is definitly on my plan. 🙂
Ralph, yes I’ll attend EclipseCon. 🙂
Welcome to Canada, Gunnar. Ottawa is only about 3.5 hours away if you drive like a maniac; or you can take the train. In any case, we’d love to have you up for a visit.
I’m also looking forward to hearing the results of your comparison…
Good Luck in Canada, Gunnar !!
It will be pity to not seeing you at Intershop when I get back, but I hope that you will give a sign of life now and then. It’s a small world in the end – all connected in many ways.