You get something like this:
Nachträgliche manuelle Umbuchungen sind technisch völlig ausgeschlossen, da ein zentrales Rechenzentrum mit Warenwirtschaftssystemanbindung sämtliche Buchungsvorgänge vollautomatisch steuert.
Or in English:
Manual modifications afterwards are technically absolutely impossible, because we have a central data center with ERP system integration which controls every booking totally automated.
Alternative translation:
We don’t have control over our software. Sorry folks, you lost.
I get this sentence whenever I want to make a change to an already place order. For example, an item is on backorder and it just takes too long but there is a similar one available on stock. Actually I would expect the system to detect this before I place an order but that’s another story.
#onlineshop #eibmarkt #fail 🙁